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How to prepare for (and get through) bad days

How to prepare for (and get through) bad days

    Picture a first aid kit. It’s easy to imagine, right? It’s a little box with bandages, disinfectant, pain medication, etc. These kits typically can’t fix big injuries, but they can save the day when they’re all we have.  We’ve got all these quick,...
Skip the resolutions and do this instead

Skip the resolutions and do this instead

    It’s that time of year again. We’re feeling fresh, we’re feeling ready, and we decide we’re gonna make a change.   First, we make big promises to ourselves and cram in a handful of new habits; then, we put those promises aside as we attend to real...
5 strategies for the ultimate procrastinator

5 strategies for the ultimate procrastinator

You’ve had a month to complete a rather daunting project. The deadline is tomorrow and, although it has been looming over your head, you’ve yet to start. You’ve put it off and put it off until you can’t ignore it any longer, and now you’re finally getting started,...
Your personal “I can get through this” toolkit

Your personal “I can get through this” toolkit

  It’s been a strange couple of years since March 2020, but if we’ve learned anything, we know that self-care is going to play a big role in how we get through the next one. We often spend so much of the holiday season giving to and taking care...
How to make working from home less stressful

How to make working from home less stressful

The pandemic life has many of us working from home for the first time in our lives and the transition has been, well, interesting. In a matter of months, the US has transformed into a working-from-home economy, with an astounding 45% of the labor force now working...
5 tips for mindful drinking

5 tips for mindful drinking

As we head into warmer weather and, in many parts of the world, begin to put the pandemic behind us, our social calendars are filling up. With office meet-ups, get-togethers with friends, and more frequent travel, the coming months are likely going to look quite a bit...
Coping with loneliness part 2: what’s working for me

Coping with loneliness part 2: what’s working for me

    Six months is long time to do nothing. Or what feels like a lot less of everything.  Physical distancing, self-isolation, and quarantining are intended to keep us safe, yet these COVID precautions have also produced an unintended result: intense...