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6 ways to deal with imposter syndrome

6 ways to deal with imposter syndrome

Sometimes it seems like everyone else has it all figured out, and here we are, struggling to understand the basics. You know what the funny thing is? Most of these other people feel the same way. This frustrating undercurrent of self-doubt is our old pal imposter...
What PRIDE means to me

What PRIDE means to me

In June 2019, I was overwhelmed with love as people took to the streets of my Minneapolis hometown for the largest PRIDE turnout in our history. In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, the community showed up to celebrate how far we’ve come and to...
How I cope with chronic pain

How I cope with chronic pain

As a Sanvello Coach, I regularly support people coping with chronic pain, but I’ve also been living with it for more than a decade. If you’re someone who deals with ongoing pain, you know how hard it can be and how it can impact the way you function from day to day....
7 fears about therapy debunked

7 fears about therapy debunked

Therapy can be intimidating. After all, it’s sharing some of our deepest concerns and most private worries with a person we don’t know all that well. But most of our fears are misguided, if not flat out wrong. We’ve rounded up a few of the most common fears we hear...
Processing what we’ve lost

Processing what we’ve lost

  Over the course of the past year, you’ve likely experienced some form of grief. Whether you’ve lost someone close to you, your job, your routine, or the person you were before you contracted the virus, it’s completely understandable to be struggling right now. ...
9 ways to be mindful without meditating

9 ways to be mindful without meditating

You’ve likely heard about the benefits of mindfulness and maybe you’re even feeling curious enough to give it a try. But, if you’re like me, finding the time and space feels like an insurmountable challenge. Not to mention the act of fully slowing down and sitting...
Need a mood boost? Garden Marcus is here.

Need a mood boost? Garden Marcus is here.

We all have those days when we’re feeling grumpy, anxious, or just a little off balance. At Sanvello, one of the ways we like to get out of a funk is taking a few minutes to step away from the stress, grab our headphones, and listen to Garden Marcus. He’s known to...
Grief is messy: Why it looks different for everyone

Grief is messy: Why it looks different for everyone

One of the first things I tell my patients that have experienced a type of loss is that grief is unpredictable and, oftentimes, quite messy. You may have learned about how people move through the seven stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and...
Here’s how to make tuning in as easy as tuning out

Here’s how to make tuning in as easy as tuning out

At this point, everyone knows it: mindfulness helps with a lot of stuff. The issue is, like flossing or running or not looking at your phone before bed, it can be hard to make a habit, even when we really want to.  There’s this image of mindfulness in popular culture...
Top tips from therapists for coping with parenting anxiety

Top tips from therapists for coping with parenting anxiety

Over the last 24 hours, how many anxious thoughts have you had in regards to your child? Maybe they were struggling with their homework, watching a bit too much television, or behaving in a way that surprised you. Did you lose your cool, want to scream, blame...