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The power of tracking your mood

The power of tracking your mood

  Mood rings are back, if the jewelry preference of some of my undergraduate students is any indication. Invented in the 1970s, popularized again in the 90s, and potentially making their comeback today, mood rings promise the wearer a constant gauge of their...
Getting comfortable with uncertainty

Getting comfortable with uncertainty

 We seek certainty. It just feels good to certain about something, to really know it. Similar to other human needs like belonging, we naturally crave information and certainty: it’s rewarding and reassuring.Uncertainty means  we may not be in control of what’s about...
The surprising ways depression presents in teens

The surprising ways depression presents in teens

  “I feel like I don’t know my own child.”I’ve heard that sentiment from many parents in my practice when talking about their teenagers. For many, it’s only the typical teenage stuff—some moodiness and angst that are common in a rapidly developing brain.For others,...
#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

  Mental health issues have always had a stigma in healthcare, but this seems to be declining in younger patients. Millennials are more comfortable with talking about it and seeking help for mental health issues. Eighty-five percent of Millennials said they would not...
3 million people stronger

3 million people stronger

 Wow. As of this week, Sanvello is officially helping over 3 million people.When we started down the path of creating Pacifica, I would never have thought how humbling this experience would be. It’s incredible to me to think that our cognitive behavioral therapy...
4 ways to thrive during your freshman year

4 ways to thrive during your freshman year

 Back to school: Pursuing dreams, learning new things, and…leaving the only support system you’ve ever known!?For many of those around age 18, back to school this year means packing up and heading to college and living away from home for the first time. This...
Respite during the storm: The power of mindfulness

Respite during the storm: The power of mindfulness

  After weeks of temperatures in the 80s and 90s in my home state of Colorado, we recently had a day where the temp dropped into the 70s. I swear you could hear the collective ‘ahhh’ from all of my neighbors. In the dog days of summer, we rotate between a...