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What not to say to someone who’s suicidal

What not to say to someone who’s suicidal

  When it comes to many situations, we’re unlikely to be first responders: Natural disasters, house fires, and roadside accidents are likely to have trained professionals on the scene quickly. But when for mental health crises, we are likely to be the first ones...
The essential guide to melatonin, the natural sleep aid

The essential guide to melatonin, the natural sleep aid

  Have you ever found yourself tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep, even though you know you are exhausted? You are not alone. It is estimated that up to 20 percent of healthy adults will experience some type of difficulty with sleep in the course...
Winter blues? 3 ways to feel less SAD

Winter blues? 3 ways to feel less SAD

  Winter doesn’t officially start until Dec. 21, but the days are already shorter and colder. It may still be dark outside when you head out to work or school, and already dusk when you return. It’s no wonder you don’t feel like doing anything but sitting on the...
Your brain on gratitude

Your brain on gratitude

 There’s no better time than Thanksgiving to talk about the importance of gratitude.After all, gratitude is how this U.S. holiday started—the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest after months of hardship. But the whole concept of gratitude can get a bit lost among...
1 is the loneliest number: 4 ways to feel more connected

1 is the loneliest number: 4 ways to feel more connected

 Not only is one the loneliest number, but social isolation adversely affects your mental health. In fact, chronic isolation and loneliness could be taking years off your life.A study found that the health effects of prolonged isolation is equivalent to smoking 15...
Your checklist to choosing the right anxiety app

Your checklist to choosing the right anxiety app

 Got anxiety? You’re not alone. About 40 million others: Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.The good news is anxiety disorders are highly treatable, and many may find relief from digital health tools.The bad news? Looking for the right app...
Panicked to prepared: How mindfulness reduces test anxiety

Panicked to prepared: How mindfulness reduces test anxiety

 Today’s the day. There’s a lot riding on this exam. Your heart is racing, your breathing is shallow, and your mind is running wild with different scenarios of what will happen if you don’t perform.Like many people, you may have experienced a range of emotions,...