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“Why?”: The search for meaning

“Why?”: The search for meaning

  Humans. Wonderful, complex, delightful beings. For all our joys and successes, one of the tough realities about being human is that we all face dark moments in life. We cover them up with forced cheer and programmed responses.  We try to color them in with nice...
Is a mental health coach right for you?

Is a mental health coach right for you?

We all want to feel happier. We make promises to ourselves about meditation practices, healthier habits, and prioritizing self-care. But sometimes, life gets in the way. We have deadlines to meet, appointments to make, and expectations both internal and external to...
Pregnancy and pandemics: what to expect and how to prepare

Pregnancy and pandemics: what to expect and how to prepare

  In our “new normal,” many things feel uncertain, but pregnancy can take that uncertainty to a whole new level. Whether you, a loved one, or a friend are on the journey of parenthood, being informed can help you feel more prepared.   During Pregnancy  It’s not...
If you’re feeling outrage or anger, read this

If you’re feeling outrage or anger, read this

Feeling stressed out? Anxious? Afraid?  You’re not alone. These are unprecedented times, and we may all be experiencing some form of emotional trauma.  We mostly associate trauma with violent crimes, natural disasters, and war, but that gives us a limited scope. Our...
What to expect from therapy, and how to get the most out of it

What to expect from therapy, and how to get the most out of it

  We’ve all seen how therapy is portrayed in movies: you’re laying down on a big comfy couch, staring at the ceiling, while your therapist repeatedly asks, “and how does that make you feel?” While the couch sounds nice, the rest is an inaccurate portrayal of therapy....
Nervous about a new normal? Here’s how to prepare.

Nervous about a new normal? Here’s how to prepare.

  If you had told me a year ago that I would be ordered to stay home by the government and only a portion of the population would be able to go to work, while millions more were losing their jobs all due to a potentially lethal virus, I would have said “no way!”...
4 mental health tools worth trying

4 mental health tools worth trying

Time has seemed a little wonky in 2020. Days move slowly at home, but months seem to disappear. But one month that’s extra special to us at Sanvello is May. Why? Because May is Mental Health Awareness Month. It’s been a tough year for everyone, and we wanted to...
What is radical acceptance, and how can I use it?

What is radical acceptance, and how can I use it?

  When life gets challenging, and it feels like things are spiraling out of control, it can seem like there’s nothing we can do. We feel overwhelmed and at a loss. We can slip in to states of denial, struggling to come to terms with our reality. And that struggle...
Bad mood? Here are 8 lifestyle tips to help turn it around

Bad mood? Here are 8 lifestyle tips to help turn it around

When we describe our feelings, we can be pretty specific. We use words like bored, irritated, content, calm, aggravated, restless, excited, and on and on. We can also usually attribute a feeling to something specific. I’m irritated because someone didn’t answer my...
FACE COVID: How to take back control from your anxiety

FACE COVID: How to take back control from your anxiety

If the recent pandemic has made you feel like you have no control, or has spiked your anxiety, you’re not alone. When we face uncertainty, feeling out of control is normal, even expected.   In our current crisis, fear and anxiety are completely normal responses —...