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Bad mood? Here are 8 lifestyle tips to help turn it around

Bad mood? Here are 8 lifestyle tips to help turn it around

When we describe our feelings, we can be pretty specific. We use words like bored, irritated, content, calm, aggravated, restless, excited, and on and on. We can also usually attribute a feeling to something specific. I’m irritated because someone didn’t answer my...
5 of the best techniques for managing anxiety attacks

5 of the best techniques for managing anxiety attacks

Maybe you know the feeling: your heart starts to race, your mouth gets dry, it’s hard to breathe, hard to focus… it’s hard to do almost anything except think about your anxiety. These are just some of the tell-tale signs of an anxiety attack, and if you’ve...
7 tricks to help you fall asleep faster

7 tricks to help you fall asleep faster

  It happens to all of us. You’re lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping for sleep to come. Maybe you’ve been in bed for a while. Maybe it’s even been a couple of hours. Maybe you grab your phone to pass the time. And time does pass. But you? You’re still...
Proven ways to calm your mind when the unexpected happens

Proven ways to calm your mind when the unexpected happens

  Life happens. And when it does, we’re not always prepared. A sudden conflict with someone, a piece of bad news, or even our own thoughts can trigger a rush of tension. These distressing events may make our faces flush, our hearts race, and our brains fog up....
4 signs you need a mental health day (and how to spend it)

4 signs you need a mental health day (and how to spend it)

  If you come down with the flu or a bad cold, you probably feel perfectly OK with staying home from work or school. When you have a fever, runny nose, or terrible cough, your symptoms are visible to everyone and that’s what your “sick days” are for…right?...