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FACE COVID: How to take back control from your anxiety

FACE COVID: How to take back control from your anxiety

If the recent pandemic has made you feel like you have no control, or has spiked your anxiety, you’re not alone. When we face uncertainty, feeling out of control is normal, even expected.   In our current crisis, fear and anxiety are completely normal responses —...
7 tricks to help you fall asleep faster

7 tricks to help you fall asleep faster

  It happens to all of us. You’re lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, hoping for sleep to come. Maybe you’ve been in bed for a while. Maybe it’s even been a couple of hours. Maybe you grab your phone to pass the time. And time does pass. But you? You’re still...
4 signs you need a mental health day (and how to spend it)

4 signs you need a mental health day (and how to spend it)

  If you come down with the flu or a bad cold, you probably feel perfectly OK with staying home from work or school. When you have a fever, runny nose, or terrible cough, your symptoms are visible to everyone and that’s what your “sick days” are for…right?...
#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

#StoptheStigma: 3 simple actions we can all take

  Mental health issues have always had a stigma in healthcare, but this seems to be declining in younger patients. Millennials are more comfortable with talking about it and seeking help for mental health issues. Eighty-five percent of Millennials said they would not...