Oct 20, 2021 | Living Well
The Sanvello team has been talking a lot about our relationships with our phones this month and you know what? It’s really helping. No one here is doing it perfectly, but it turns out that getting more honest about our phone habits is helping us to build better...
Oct 14, 2021 | Relationships
Domestic violence can happen to absolutely anyone, no matter your social status, financial situation, gender identity, or racial background. Sadly, it’s also incredibly common. It’s estimated that 30% of women and 10% of men have experienced intimate partner...
Oct 4, 2021 | Living Well
For the whole month of October, we’re tackling catastrophe refreshing, doom scrolling, and mindless screen time. We all get to distract ourselves and enjoy entertainment and share moments with our friends on our phones. Phones have incredible utility. But they aren’t...
Oct 1, 2021 | Living Well
I like to think of myself as a disciplined person. After five years of therapy, I can pretty happily get my work done, show up on time, work out, eat healthy, brush my teeth — you get the idea. But there’s at least one area of my life I know could use a little work:...
Sep 30, 2021 | Living Well
For many of us, our phones have become an extension of our bodies, always in our hands, pockets, or bags. As the Sanvello team started looking at being more mindful of our phone usage, I realized that I’m rarely without my purple, scratched iPhone. I look at it as...