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6 ways to raise confident kids

6 ways to raise confident kids

There is no one right way to raise children; if there was, parenting wouldn’t be as scary, exhausting, and rewarding as it is. But one thing most of us agree on is that it’s important to help our kiddos build confidence, empowering them to feel more capable as they...
Getting to Know Your Inner Critic

Getting to Know Your Inner Critic

Even if you don’t think about your inner critic much, chances are you’ve talked with it today. It’s that little voice in the back of your mind that likes to show up and spoil your good mood or remind you of that embarrassing thing you did ten years ago that still...
How a therapist deals with her insecurities

How a therapist deals with her insecurities

We all get insecure sometimes — even therapists. But knowing how to get through those uncomfortable (and sometimes painful) moments of self-doubt can make all the difference.            Since becoming a licensed therapist 11 years ago, I’ve had so many times where...
Signs your self-esteem could use a boost

Signs your self-esteem could use a boost

Self-esteem is all about how we value and see ourselves. Diving deeper, it’s the belief that we are intrinsically worthy of love and respect and that our thoughts, needs, and feelings matter.  The way we feel about ourselves affects most every part of our lives — our...
6 remedies for the “Sunday Scaries”

6 remedies for the “Sunday Scaries”

  Do you ever find yourself kicking your feet up and relaxing on a Sunday afternoon only to suddenly be hit with a serious sense of dread about the week ahead? You may have a case of the “Sunday Scaries.” Don’t let the cutesy name fool you — while experiencing...
5 ways to move through procrastination

5 ways to move through procrastination

Is there something that you’ve been putting off lately? Maybe a work project that’s been hanging over your head or that pile of clothes in the corner of your closet that you’ve been meaning to organize for weeks? We get it — it’s totally normal to say, “Eh I’ll do it...
Finally set (and stick to) healthy work boundaries

Finally set (and stick to) healthy work boundaries

  Feeling burned out at work, overwhelmed by your inbox, or undervalued by your colleagues? I feel for you, and that’s why I’m checking in to see if it might be time for you to set a few healthy boundaries.  It might be helpful to think of a boundary as an...
4 ways to actually advocate for women

4 ways to actually advocate for women

In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re looking at realistic, tangible ways that we can all advocate for the well-being of women.  This year, we’re recognizing the endless amounts of emotional and physical contributions made by women throughout the ongoing pandemic,...
5 ways to get unstuck

5 ways to get unstuck

  We all have times in our lives when we feel stuck in a rut. We’re going through the same motions, each day, without actually getting wherever it is that we want to be.  Maybe you’re feeling bored at work, struggling to make any progress on your to-do list, or are...
6 ways to cultivate a calm home

6 ways to cultivate a calm home

There are so many things happening in the world that are out of our control, and that can feel quite stressful and overwhelming for most of us. So in times of uncertainty, it can help to focus on areas of our life where we can bring in more calm and tranquility.  Our...